Categories: Imprensa

The Administrative Outsourcing and of Supplyings

Administrative Outsourcing and of supplyings; New resources and paradoxes; outsourcing …

Outsourcing has at first regarded the production, subsequently some services. Also in the area of supplyings, above all of the not productive materials, and in that administrative outsourcing it determines remarkable advantages

In a market characterized from one strongly pushed to the cost reduction, and that it imposes always greater competitiveness, the management modern it is continuously to the search of new organizational models that contribute to the consolidation of the business position on the market and to one greater competitiveness. The perseguimento of objects to you cited needs the search of new resources for the business activity that is in a position to bringing benefits of structural and economic character.

New resources and paradoxes

To the Management it comes more and more pressingly demanded of:

  • to increase the profits and to reduce the costs;
  • to acquire market shares and to defend themselves from the competition;
  • to specialize themselves in just the field and to expand themselves in other fields;
  • to improve the efficiency of the units and to reduce the attached staff;
  • to increase the efficiency of the systems and to reduce the warehouse supplyes;
  • to obtain the maximum rendering the fixed structures and to flessibilizzare the costs; and go on!

For everyone of these tasks the management it is found again to having to resolve the obvious paradoxes operated to you that they are generated. It is obvious that such activities in are antite between they and represent a decisional paradox that in its resolution a priorizzazione of the activities previews, some di.le which, carried out in the conventional procedural methodology, are source of costs added to you without to satisfy the necessity primary of “cost reduction generate them”.

The resolution of the paradoxes

The solutions until today adopted have been many, between that they have given the best ones turns out to you go cited the allocation of “competences of product” and “territory”, the formation of “work groups”, the transformation and division of areas in “cost centers”, the institution of “profit center”, the “decentralization” like also the “concentration of activity”.

The used means in order to catch up these goals have been initially the insourcing, that is have been sondate all the opportunities of improvement of the existing inner structures so as to to increase of the efficiency.

All these activities, also when they have not satisfied of the all expectations, have however supplied to management the indications in order to localize dysfunctions and to identify it objects you to it of improvement, and it is also to observe that the subdivision in unit operating independent has duplicated some inner functions increasing also the complexity of the communication between the agencies.

The terziarizzazione

At the same time to these initiatives of insourcing, already in years 70 in the within of the production more and more it has been asserted, after one begins them diffidenza, the concept of the Terziarizzazione. The successes have been eclatanti making to grow the number of companies more and more pushed to make of use and, once pulled down the natural diffidenze it begins them, have come true more and more advanced shapes of terziarizzazione. Like example enough to observe the following evolution in the field of the great production:

  • 1970 – to entrust to external suppliers some productions that before came carried out in own house;
  • 1980 – adoption of the Just in Time for the assembly lines;
  • 1990 – the suppliers construct the own plants in the immediate vicinities of the customer;
  • 1995 – to the suppliers they come assigns you of the spaces to the inside of the plants and their production meets directly in the systems automati us of assembly;
  • 2000 – to the suppliers it comes demanded of being in a position to assuming the role of active Partner in the definition and development of the business strategies and to contribute to the attainment of objects to you economic.


The first phase of terziarizzazione therefore has regarded the production, and in the same way it is subsequently proceeded to terziarizzare some inner services which:

  • some maintenances
  • the storage of materials
  • the transports
  • the business catering
  • the pulizie of plant
  • some services trained to you and book keeping
  • the management of the systems informed to you

The cited terziarizzazioni contribute, here where applied with succeeding, beyond that to the reduction also to the flessibilizzazione of the costs and the structural linen attainment “slim”.

Other participations of “reduction”, like that one of the warehouse supplyes, have involved instead an increase of the activities of control and support of the been involved suppliers, increasing the overhead administrative of the supplying processes.

These terziarizzazioni however are seen today like a natural fact and theirs more and more diffused application, above all in companies that wish to free characterized resources, induce the management to estimate the opportunity to resort to similar models also for the management of supplyings.